
Google helps Mississippi businesses move toward their goals

Download Mississippi report

$352 million  

of economic activity  

In 2023, Google helped provide $352 million of economic activity for thousands of Mississippi businesses, nonprofits, publishers, creators, and developers


Mississippi businesses  

More than 145,000 Mississippi businesses used Google’s free tools to receive phone calls, bookings, reviews, requests for directions, or other direct connections to their customers

$1.1 million  

of free advertising  

In 2023, Google.org provided $1.1 million in donated search ads to Mississippi nonprofits through the Google Ad Grants program

  • Shaded Grove Farm Market  
  • BloomBridge  
  • Biloxi Shrimp Co.  
  • Mississippi Food Network  
  • The Pig & Pint  
  • Wise Guys Technologies  
  • The Mississippi Gift Company  
  • Strange Brew Coffeehouse  
Shaded Grove Farm Market


Shaded Grove Farm Market  

Location: Macon, Mississippi
Website: https://shadedgrovefarmmarket.com/
20% rise in email subscribers due to Google Ads

Growing up on a commodity crop farm, Craig Schmidt wondered if farming could be made friendlier to the environment and more connected to consumers. He researched grass-based regenerative farming and watched YouTube farm channels before founding Shaded Grove Farm Market in 2018 with his wife, Cheryl. What started with 150 acres, 30 sheep, and a few cows is now nearly 1,000 acres and 600 sheep, plus cattle, chickens, and pigs. Craig rotates grazing areas, doesn’t use chemicals, and sells direct to consumers wanting natural meats, eggs, and the pecans they now shell and package. “We tell our customers to come out anytime and see what we’re doing,” Craig says. “It’s important that they can see how their food is being raised.” The photos and rave reviews on Shaded Grove’s Google Business Profile attract prospective customers, and the link to Google Maps helps them find the farm.

Customers can shop at the farm in person, online, or for delivery to select cities. Craig uses Google Workspace to keep it all organized. “I like that I can use Google Docs and Sheets across any device. We can work with other folks and share things easily,” he says. Shaded Grove now ships pecans, honey, and other nonperishables to 48 states, and frozen meat to some locations. In 2023, they had a 35-percent jump in sales. Craig credits Google Ads for increased orders and a 20-percent rise in email subscribers; he uses Google Analytics to see where traffic comes from and adjusts his Ads to those areas. As he introduces new product lines and looks to the future, he’s not losing sight of why he turned to natural farming. “Every year we do an open house for customers with a hay ride and lunch. Tonight we’ve got a customer coming for a pickup and staying for dinner,” Craig says. “Connecting with our customers, knowing what we’re producing is helping them live healthier lives…it’s tremendously fulfilling.”

Google Analytics shows us what regions and cities the website traffic is coming from. That helps us focus our Google Ads and social media ads on those areas.  

Craig Schmidt  


Shaded Grove Farm Market  

Macon, Mississippi  

20% rise in email subscribers due to Google Ads  

Google Analytics shows us what regions and cities the website traffic is coming from. That helps us focus our Google Ads and social media ads on those areas.  

Craig Schmidt  


Growing up on a commodity crop farm, Craig Schmidt wondered if farming could be made friendlier to the environment and more connected to consumers. He researched grass-based regenerative farming and watched YouTube farm channels before founding Shaded Grove Farm Market in 2018 with his wife, Cheryl. What started with 150 acres, 30 sheep, and a few cows is now nearly 1,000 acres and 600 sheep, plus cattle, chickens, and pigs. Craig rotates grazing areas, doesn’t use chemicals, and sells direct to consumers wanting natural meats, eggs, and the pecans they now shell and package. “We tell our customers to come out anytime and see what we’re doing,” Craig says. “It’s important that they can see how their food is being raised.” The photos and rave reviews on Shaded Grove’s Google Business Profile attract prospective customers, and the link to Google Maps helps them find the farm.

Customers can shop at the farm in person, online, or for delivery to select cities. Craig uses Google Workspace to keep it all organized. “I like that I can use Google Docs and Sheets across any device. We can work with other folks and share things easily,” he says. Shaded Grove now ships pecans, honey, and other nonperishables to 48 states, and frozen meat to some locations. In 2023, they had a 35-percent jump in sales. Craig credits Google Ads for increased orders and a 20-percent rise in email subscribers; he uses Google Analytics to see where traffic comes from and adjusts his Ads to those areas. As he introduces new product lines and looks to the future, he’s not losing sight of why he turned to natural farming. “Every year we do an open house for customers with a hay ride and lunch. Tonight we’ve got a customer coming for a pickup and staying for dinner,” Craig says. “Connecting with our customers, knowing what we’re producing is helping them live healthier lives…it’s tremendously fulfilling.”




Location: Brandon, Mississippi
Website: https://bloom-bridge.com/
70% annual growth

Kristen Allen emphasizes that at the heart of BloomBridge, an online service that delivers silk flowers to gravesites across America, it’s “about people and spreading love.” BloomBridge was inspired by a promise Kristen made to always put flowers on her grandmother’s grave. As CEO, she partnered with Justin Johnson, CTO, for an early iteration of the company; they joined with operations and marketing experts and rebranded as BloomBridge in 2019. BloomBridge contracts "Runners"–about 1,000 around the country–to place the flowers and take photos for clients, who often can't be there in person. Many customers try the service once, then return for one of the subscription options. BloomBridge has seen 70 percent growth since launch, and delivered arrangements–custom designed by Kristen–to cemeteries in 47 states.

The BloomBridge team runs the company using Google Workspace. “We’ve been able to build internally from the ground up with Gmail, Drive, Meet, and especially Sheets,” Justin says. “It lets our customer service team collaborate, comment, and share details throughout the process.” Meanwhile, the positive reviews are adding up on their Google Business Profile. “That’s been a huge, huge bonus for us,” Justin notes. “A lot of people use the reviews to know that we’re a legitimate operation.” For Kristen and the rest of the team, making it easy for clients to feel a connection with a lost loved one is what it’s all about. “There’s healing and joy in it. I feel like the world needs more of that,” she says. “We’re just strangers helping strangers, and we’re spreading love one cemetery at a time.”

We use Google Sheets heavily to run our operations, run reports, and manage parts of the business.  

Justin Johnson  

Co-founder & CTO  


Brandon, Mississippi  

70% annual growth  

We use Google Sheets heavily to run our operations, run reports, and manage parts of the business.  

Justin Johnson  

Co-founder & CTO  

Kristen Allen emphasizes that at the heart of BloomBridge, an online service that delivers silk flowers to gravesites across America, it’s “about people and spreading love.” BloomBridge was inspired by a promise Kristen made to always put flowers on her grandmother’s grave. As CEO, she partnered with Justin Johnson, CTO, for an early iteration of the company; they joined with operations and marketing experts and rebranded as BloomBridge in 2019. BloomBridge contracts "Runners"–about 1,000 around the country–to place the flowers and take photos for clients, who often can't be there in person. Many customers try the service once, then return for one of the subscription options. BloomBridge has seen 70 percent growth since launch, and delivered arrangements–custom designed by Kristen–to cemeteries in 47 states.

The BloomBridge team runs the company using Google Workspace. “We’ve been able to build internally from the ground up with Gmail, Drive, Meet, and especially Sheets,” Justin says. “It lets our customer service team collaborate, comment, and share details throughout the process.” Meanwhile, the positive reviews are adding up on their Google Business Profile. “That’s been a huge, huge bonus for us,” Justin notes. “A lot of people use the reviews to know that we’re a legitimate operation.” For Kristen and the rest of the team, making it easy for clients to feel a connection with a lost loved one is what it’s all about. “There’s healing and joy in it. I feel like the world needs more of that,” she says. “We’re just strangers helping strangers, and we’re spreading love one cemetery at a time.”

Biloxi Shrimp Co.


Biloxi Shrimp Co.  

Location: Biloxi, Mississippi
Website: https://biloxishrimpco.com/
150 employees

Jonathan McLendon and Mark Mavar founded the Biloxi Shrimp Co. in 2020, soon building a 20,000-square-foot production facility and a thriving wholesale business that supplied hundreds of restaurants daily. But when COVID-19 curtailed restaurant dining across America, the owners were left with a dilemma: freezers full of seafood, and no buyers. Who would buy their shrimp and keep their employees working? That’s when Jonathan had an idea: They’d sell directly to the public. “I looked at him and said, ‘That’s about the silliest thing you ever said to me,’” says Mark. Still, the pair put the word out on social media and unlocked their front doors. The first day a handful of curious shrimp buyers stopped by. A week later, cars were lined up for five blocks. As word got out, orders began coming in from as far away as Los Angeles and New York City. Suddenly, Biloxi Shrimp Co. was building a new direct-to-consumer business and brand, with its own packaging and family recipes tucked in with each order.

The two owners realized that to serve these new customers, they’d need to understand their needs and behavior. To do both, they turned to Google Ads and Google Merchant Center. “Google tools make it easy for us to change our Ads and our websites,” says Jonathan. “We get to measure almost everything. You can run a campaign next week and at the end of that campaign, you know who's buying, you know the demographics. It's really easy to make decisions at a fast-paced rate.” From a low of 35 employees, Biloxi Shrimp Co. is now back up to 150–and while their main wholesale business has returned, the direct sales will continue. “It’s an important area of growth for us,” says Jonathan. “The Biloxi Shrimp Co. is a piece of our heart. People are pulling our shrimp out of their freezer, our pictures are on the bag. They know just where it comes from. And that brings us a lot of joy.”

Google tools make it easy for us to change our Ads and our websites. We get to measure almost everything.  

Jonathan McLendon  

Vice President  

Biloxi Shrimp Co.  

Biloxi, Mississippi  

150 employees  

Google tools make it easy for us to change our Ads and our websites. We get to measure almost everything.  

Jonathan McLendon  

Vice President  

Jonathan McLendon and Mark Mavar founded the Biloxi Shrimp Co. in 2020, soon building a 20,000-square-foot production facility and a thriving wholesale business that supplied hundreds of restaurants daily. But when COVID-19 curtailed restaurant dining across America, the owners were left with a dilemma: freezers full of seafood, and no buyers. Who would buy their shrimp and keep their employees working? That’s when Jonathan had an idea: They’d sell directly to the public. “I looked at him and said, ‘That’s about the silliest thing you ever said to me,’” says Mark. Still, the pair put the word out on social media and unlocked their front doors. The first day a handful of curious shrimp buyers stopped by. A week later, cars were lined up for five blocks. As word got out, orders began coming in from as far away as Los Angeles and New York City. Suddenly, Biloxi Shrimp Co. was building a new direct-to-consumer business and brand, with its own packaging and family recipes tucked in with each order.

The two owners realized that to serve these new customers, they’d need to understand their needs and behavior. To do both, they turned to Google Ads and Google Merchant Center. “Google tools make it easy for us to change our Ads and our websites,” says Jonathan. “We get to measure almost everything. You can run a campaign next week and at the end of that campaign, you know who's buying, you know the demographics. It's really easy to make decisions at a fast-paced rate.” From a low of 35 employees, Biloxi Shrimp Co. is now back up to 150–and while their main wholesale business has returned, the direct sales will continue. “It’s an important area of growth for us,” says Jonathan. “The Biloxi Shrimp Co. is a piece of our heart. People are pulling our shrimp out of their freezer, our pictures are on the bag. They know just where it comes from. And that brings us a lot of joy.”

Mississippi Food Network


Mississippi Food Network  

Location: Jackson, Mississippi
Website: https://www.msfoodnet.org/
34 employees

Mississippi Food Network (MFN) opened in 1984 with a mission to end hunger across the state. Starting with a 4,000-square-foot space, eight member agencies, and 2,300 pounds of food, they now have over 80,000 square feet and work with 430 member agencies, distributing over 21.2 million pounds of food annually. The only organized food bank in a state with two of the nation’s most food-insecure counties, MFN is a necessity for many families. “We always say we’re a small food bank that acts like a large food bank,” says Director of External Affairs Kelly Mott. Supported by Google Ad Grants, Google Ads campaigns have been central to their efforts. In 2018, over half of their online donations and more than 7,000 new community members discovered MFN via those campaigns. Google Analytics has also helped them understand their digital performance so they can make the most of online interactions.

Though COVID-19 forced food pantries and soup kitchens to close, shelters and group homes to reduce capacity, and fundraising events to be canceled, Kelly and her team remained committed to MFN’s mission. MFN has become more crucial than ever for their community. They started partnering with Feeding America and taking in online donations thanks to increased website traffic. They continue to receive support from Google Ad Grants, and Google Ads as well as insights from Google Analytics have allowed MFN to greatly increase their visibility. They saw a 142-percent increase in site traffic from January through September 2020 versus the same period in 2019, peaking on April 19, 2020 with 484-percent traffic increase from the same date in 2019. Google Analytics also allows Kelly and her team to identify where their services are most needed, as well as better target digital fundraising efforts to a younger, more diverse demographic. She and MFN’s major gift specialist, Crystal Alfaro, hope that donation increases continue through 2021 and beyond, and they’re getting creative with their use of Google Ads to make that happen.

Google tools are 100% effective. To be able to have things like Ads and Analytics, it’s a great help to non-profits like us.  

Kelly Mott  

Director of External Affairs  

Mississippi Food Network  

Jackson, Mississippi  

34 employees  

Google tools are 100% effective. To be able to have things like Ads and Analytics, it’s a great help to non-profits like us.  

Kelly Mott  

Director of External Affairs  

Mississippi Food Network (MFN) opened in 1984 with a mission to end hunger across the state. Starting with a 4,000-square-foot space, eight member agencies, and 2,300 pounds of food, they now have over 80,000 square feet and work with 430 member agencies, distributing over 21.2 million pounds of food annually. The only organized food bank in a state with two of the nation’s most food-insecure counties, MFN is a necessity for many families. “We always say we’re a small food bank that acts like a large food bank,” says Director of External Affairs Kelly Mott. Supported by Google Ad Grants, Google Ads campaigns have been central to their efforts. In 2018, over half of their online donations and more than 7,000 new community members discovered MFN via those campaigns. Google Analytics has also helped them understand their digital performance so they can make the most of online interactions.

Though COVID-19 forced food pantries and soup kitchens to close, shelters and group homes to reduce capacity, and fundraising events to be canceled, Kelly and her team remained committed to MFN’s mission. MFN has become more crucial than ever for their community. They started partnering with Feeding America and taking in online donations thanks to increased website traffic. They continue to receive support from Google Ad Grants, and Google Ads as well as insights from Google Analytics have allowed MFN to greatly increase their visibility. They saw a 142-percent increase in site traffic from January through September 2020 versus the same period in 2019, peaking on April 19, 2020 with 484-percent traffic increase from the same date in 2019. Google Analytics also allows Kelly and her team to identify where their services are most needed, as well as better target digital fundraising efforts to a younger, more diverse demographic. She and MFN’s major gift specialist, Crystal Alfaro, hope that donation increases continue through 2021 and beyond, and they’re getting creative with their use of Google Ads to make that happen.

The Pig & Pint


The Pig & Pint  

Location: Jackson, Mississippi
Website: pigandpint.com
25 employees

When Chris Clark and Grant Hutcheson started cooking on the competition circuit, they didn’t expect it would lead them to open one of the highest-rated barbeque restaurants in Mississippi. But that’s exactly what happened in 2014 when they opened The Pig & Pint, which has since been named the best barbeque in the state by multiple media outlets. “When we started the restaurant, we didn’t know what to expect in terms of customer feedback,” said Chris. “Giving them the same high-quality barbeque that we competed with has been a great success for us.” Chris knew that to reach tourists — and locals — looking for barbeque in the Greater Jackson area, The Pig & Pint had to have a strong digital presence. “If you’re going from Texas to Florida, you’re coming through Jackson,” he said. “Our online presence has helped us immensely. On any given day, 20-30% of our customers are from out of town.”

To boost visibility on Google Search and Maps, The Pig & Pint uses Google My Business. It allows Chris to see and respond to customer reviews. “We’re in the service industry, so we have to give the customers what they want,” said Chris. “Being able to engage with them instantly is a wonderful thing.” The Pig & Pint recently started using Google Analytics to learn more about its audience, and it relies on Google Ads to better reach them. “With Google Analytics, I’m able to see that 75% of people who are finding us are just searching for restaurants and barbeque,” said Chris. “Ever since we started using Google Ads, if you type in ‘barbeque in Jackson, Mississippi,’ we’re popping up at the top.” Chris also uses G Suite tools like Gmail, Calendar, Docs, and Drive to keep his operation organized.

With Google, The Pig & Pint has had a lot of success getting the word out to local barbeque lovers as well as those passing through Jackson. “I’m still amazed at how many people from all over the world end up finding us through Google,” said Chris, who cites Google as a driver of the business’ impressive 15% year-over-year growth. Chris plans to increase his Google Ads budget moving forward and wants to explore using YouTube. Grant also uses his competitive cooking skills for good by regularly participating in charity fundraisers to raise money for kids with pediatric brain cancer and local community centers. Their success has encouraged them to consider opening two more locations in the next three to five years. “We started in my parent’s garage tweaking and working recipes. It’s incredible to be where we are and on the verge of so much more” concluded Grant.

I can’t express enough how much Google’s been part of our growth.  

Chris Clark  


The Pig & Pint  

Jackson, Mississippi  

25 employees  

I can’t express enough how much Google’s been part of our growth.  

Chris Clark  


When Chris Clark and Grant Hutcheson started cooking on the competition circuit, they didn’t expect it would lead them to open one of the highest-rated barbeque restaurants in Mississippi. But that’s exactly what happened in 2014 when they opened The Pig & Pint, which has since been named the best barbeque in the state by multiple media outlets. “When we started the restaurant, we didn’t know what to expect in terms of customer feedback,” said Chris. “Giving them the same high-quality barbeque that we competed with has been a great success for us.” Chris knew that to reach tourists — and locals — looking for barbeque in the Greater Jackson area, The Pig & Pint had to have a strong digital presence. “If you’re going from Texas to Florida, you’re coming through Jackson,” he said. “Our online presence has helped us immensely. On any given day, 20-30% of our customers are from out of town.”

To boost visibility on Google Search and Maps, The Pig & Pint uses Google My Business. It allows Chris to see and respond to customer reviews. “We’re in the service industry, so we have to give the customers what they want,” said Chris. “Being able to engage with them instantly is a wonderful thing.” The Pig & Pint recently started using Google Analytics to learn more about its audience, and it relies on Google Ads to better reach them. “With Google Analytics, I’m able to see that 75% of people who are finding us are just searching for restaurants and barbeque,” said Chris. “Ever since we started using Google Ads, if you type in ‘barbeque in Jackson, Mississippi,’ we’re popping up at the top.” Chris also uses G Suite tools like Gmail, Calendar, Docs, and Drive to keep his operation organized.

With Google, The Pig & Pint has had a lot of success getting the word out to local barbeque lovers as well as those passing through Jackson. “I’m still amazed at how many people from all over the world end up finding us through Google,” said Chris, who cites Google as a driver of the business’ impressive 15% year-over-year growth. Chris plans to increase his Google Ads budget moving forward and wants to explore using YouTube. Grant also uses his competitive cooking skills for good by regularly participating in charity fundraisers to raise money for kids with pediatric brain cancer and local community centers. Their success has encouraged them to consider opening two more locations in the next three to five years. “We started in my parent’s garage tweaking and working recipes. It’s incredible to be where we are and on the verge of so much more” concluded Grant.

Wise Guys Technologies


Wise Guys Technologies  

Location: Brandon, Mississippi
Website: www.wiseguystechnologies.com
Wise Guys Technologies has been experiencing over 30 percent annual growth

It used to be tough to get quality personal electronics repaired in Justin Johnson’s hometown. “There was a need for higher-quality computer and cellphone repair,” he says. With a background in programming, website development, and computer repair, Justin stepped up and opened Wise Guys Technologies in 2013. From laptops to video game consoles, if it’s broken and electronic, Wise Guys Technologies will fix it. “We provide a quality service people need,” Justin says. From a single small desk in a friend’s back office, the company has grown into one of the most trusted electronics repair businesses in the Jackson metro area.

Wise Guys Technologies has always plugged into the power of the Internet. Their website is attractive and easy to navigate. They commit 80 percent of their advertising budget to digital, and most of that goes into AdWords, Google’s advertising program. “It’s given us a lot of growth, and allows us to be shown to more people who wouldn’t normally see us,” Justin says. “When we started using AdWords, we saw our foot traffic basically double.” With AdWords driving 30 percent of sales, Wise Guys Technologies turns to Google Analytics to better understand their web traffic and to identify trends they can capitalize on. “We’re able to see who is interested in our services and tailor our ads to those customers,” Justin says. And to compete with larger companies, the team uses G Suite tools, such as Gmail, Calendar, and Docs, to collaborate from anywhere and quickly respond to customer requests.

Wise Guys Technologies proudly serves thousands of customers every year, and business is growing at a steady rate. They recently moved into a larger flagship retail space in Brandon on the reservoir, plan to open more stores across Mississippi in the next five years, and are expanding their business to include refurbished electronics sales and small business website development. While they are investing in new service areas, there’s no question where Justin’s heart lies: “We love our community. Everyone is very loyal, and that loyalty in turn lets us give back to the community,” he explains. “By supporting a local small business, those funds stay in your area, and that growth happens right here.”

Google really allows us to reach people we wouldn’t have been able to reach otherwise.  

Justin Johnson  


Wise Guys Technologies  

Brandon, Mississippi  

Wise Guys Technologies has been experiencing over 30 percent annual growth  

Google really allows us to reach people we wouldn’t have been able to reach otherwise.  

Justin Johnson  


It used to be tough to get quality personal electronics repaired in Justin Johnson’s hometown. “There was a need for higher-quality computer and cellphone repair,” he says. With a background in programming, website development, and computer repair, Justin stepped up and opened Wise Guys Technologies in 2013. From laptops to video game consoles, if it’s broken and electronic, Wise Guys Technologies will fix it. “We provide a quality service people need,” Justin says. From a single small desk in a friend’s back office, the company has grown into one of the most trusted electronics repair businesses in the Jackson metro area.

Wise Guys Technologies has always plugged into the power of the Internet. Their website is attractive and easy to navigate. They commit 80 percent of their advertising budget to digital, and most of that goes into AdWords, Google’s advertising program. “It’s given us a lot of growth, and allows us to be shown to more people who wouldn’t normally see us,” Justin says. “When we started using AdWords, we saw our foot traffic basically double.” With AdWords driving 30 percent of sales, Wise Guys Technologies turns to Google Analytics to better understand their web traffic and to identify trends they can capitalize on. “We’re able to see who is interested in our services and tailor our ads to those customers,” Justin says. And to compete with larger companies, the team uses G Suite tools, such as Gmail, Calendar, and Docs, to collaborate from anywhere and quickly respond to customer requests.

Wise Guys Technologies proudly serves thousands of customers every year, and business is growing at a steady rate. They recently moved into a larger flagship retail space in Brandon on the reservoir, plan to open more stores across Mississippi in the next five years, and are expanding their business to include refurbished electronics sales and small business website development. While they are investing in new service areas, there’s no question where Justin’s heart lies: “We love our community. Everyone is very loyal, and that loyalty in turn lets us give back to the community,” he explains. “By supporting a local small business, those funds stay in your area, and that growth happens right here.”

The Mississippi Gift Company


The Mississippi Gift Company  

Location: Greenwood, Mississippi
Website: www.themississippigiftcompany.com
20 employees

Tim and Cindy Tyler travel the backroads of Mississippi to curate the best handmade foods, art, and home decor that their home state has to offer. The result is The Mississippi Gift Company, their labor of love and pride. The couple got the idea for the shop in 1993, when they were newly married. “We borrowed our brother-in-law’s camera and shot our first catalog of locally made goods,” Tim recalls. “The response from Mississippians and displaced Mississippians was overwhelming.” Since then, they’ve expanded from 20 items to over 750, and from three suppliers to 150—all in Mississippi and thoughtfully curated through Cindy’s aesthetic lens.

In addition to a retail location, they sell their products online, which lets them, as Cindy says, “offer to the rest of the world hidden treasures that can be found nowhere else.” They got on the Internet relatively early, creating their first website in 1997. They’ve been using AdWords, Google’s advertising program, for so long that the couple can’t remember exactly what year they started. They also use Google Analytics to measure their web traffic and make informed business decisions. “Google products allow us to discover new customers, expand our customer list, and grow sales,” Cindy says. Working day-to-day operations in G Suite tools Gmail, Docs, Drive, and Calendar, she also believes that Google helps them “be more efficient with internal processes,” so they can ultimately reach more people.

Based in a small city of about 16,000 people, The Mississippi Gift Company is a hub of art and culture for the local area. Because of their online presence, that culture now reaches far beyond state lines. “By marketing our goods through retail and on our website, we’ve been able to provide an outlet for countless artists, entrepreneurs, and producers from all across the state,” says Cindy. “This relationship is mutually beneficial. It helps local artisans get more exposure to a wider market while also significantly contributing to their income.” For everyone involved—the artisans, entrepreneurs, and customers themselves—The Mississippi Gift Company offers a unique opportunity for Mississippians to share “an expression of who they are.”

The Internet allowed us to expand our unique offerings to the rest of the world.  

Cindy Tyler  

Co-founder & Owner  

The Mississippi Gift Company  

Greenwood, Mississippi  

20 employees  

The Internet allowed us to expand our unique offerings to the rest of the world.  

Cindy Tyler  

Co-founder & Owner  

Tim and Cindy Tyler travel the backroads of Mississippi to curate the best handmade foods, art, and home decor that their home state has to offer. The result is The Mississippi Gift Company, their labor of love and pride. The couple got the idea for the shop in 1993, when they were newly married. “We borrowed our brother-in-law’s camera and shot our first catalog of locally made goods,” Tim recalls. “The response from Mississippians and displaced Mississippians was overwhelming.” Since then, they’ve expanded from 20 items to over 750, and from three suppliers to 150—all in Mississippi and thoughtfully curated through Cindy’s aesthetic lens.

In addition to a retail location, they sell their products online, which lets them, as Cindy says, “offer to the rest of the world hidden treasures that can be found nowhere else.” They got on the Internet relatively early, creating their first website in 1997. They’ve been using AdWords, Google’s advertising program, for so long that the couple can’t remember exactly what year they started. They also use Google Analytics to measure their web traffic and make informed business decisions. “Google products allow us to discover new customers, expand our customer list, and grow sales,” Cindy says. Working day-to-day operations in G Suite tools Gmail, Docs, Drive, and Calendar, she also believes that Google helps them “be more efficient with internal processes,” so they can ultimately reach more people.

Based in a small city of about 16,000 people, The Mississippi Gift Company is a hub of art and culture for the local area. Because of their online presence, that culture now reaches far beyond state lines. “By marketing our goods through retail and on our website, we’ve been able to provide an outlet for countless artists, entrepreneurs, and producers from all across the state,” says Cindy. “This relationship is mutually beneficial. It helps local artisans get more exposure to a wider market while also significantly contributing to their income.” For everyone involved—the artisans, entrepreneurs, and customers themselves—The Mississippi Gift Company offers a unique opportunity for Mississippians to share “an expression of who they are.”

Strange Brew Coffeehouse


Strange Brew Coffeehouse  

Location: Starkville, Mississippi
Website: www.strangebrewcoffeehouse.com
Strange Brew Coffeehouse sells 130,000 cups of coffee per year

Mississippi State alumnus Shane Reed opened the Strange Brew Coffeehouse in 2005 as a community gathering place. To differentiate his business from the big-brand coffee shops, he'd stay open 24 hours during finals week and serve "awesome local coffee" (the Albino Squirrel, a white chocolate and hazelnut latte, is a bestseller), house-baked pastries, and traditional “King Cakes,” a Mardi Gras favorite. When the financial crisis of 2008 hit, Shane learned what it truly meant to be part of a community. "We made it through, and it taught us a few things about weathering hard times," he says. "Being a small coffee house in a small town in Mississippi, you have to fight to survive."

Shane's blend of hometown hospitality, locally roasted coffee, and freshly baked pastries is a winning combination. He and his wife, Katelyn Reed, Head Baker and Shop Manager, rely on Google tools to keep their brand in front of customers. Their Google My Business listing makes it easy for potential customers to find Strange Brew’s store hours, address, reviews, menus, and website. They use social media, including Google+, to engage customers and connect with them even when they’re not at the coffeehouse. Google Analytics keeps them informed of how users are interacting with their site. Gmail and Google Docs help to keep the business operation flowing.

When a national coffee shop opened branches nearby, Shane and Katelyn didn't have to worry. "Our sales went up by 22% that year," Shane says. They now sell merchandise online, employ 16 people, and plan to open a shop in Tupelo, Mississippi. They're also opening an ice cream shop called Churn & Spoon right next door to Strange Brew. They believe in "brewing it forward," and support local children’s sports teams and other charities. "Sometimes I get a cup of coffee in the middle of the night, when all the college students are hanging out in the shop," he says. "It puts a smile on my face."

Jump in and start using online tools and social media to promote your business. You have to be part of the conversation.  

Shane Reed  


Strange Brew Coffeehouse  

Starkville, Mississippi  

Strange Brew Coffeehouse sells 130,000 cups of coffee per year  

Jump in and start using online tools and social media to promote your business. You have to be part of the conversation.  

Shane Reed  


Mississippi State alumnus Shane Reed opened the Strange Brew Coffeehouse in 2005 as a community gathering place. To differentiate his business from the big-brand coffee shops, he'd stay open 24 hours during finals week and serve "awesome local coffee" (the Albino Squirrel, a white chocolate and hazelnut latte, is a bestseller), house-baked pastries, and traditional “King Cakes,” a Mardi Gras favorite. When the financial crisis of 2008 hit, Shane learned what it truly meant to be part of a community. "We made it through, and it taught us a few things about weathering hard times," he says. "Being a small coffee house in a small town in Mississippi, you have to fight to survive."

Shane's blend of hometown hospitality, locally roasted coffee, and freshly baked pastries is a winning combination. He and his wife, Katelyn Reed, Head Baker and Shop Manager, rely on Google tools to keep their brand in front of customers. Their Google My Business listing makes it easy for potential customers to find Strange Brew’s store hours, address, reviews, menus, and website. They use social media, including Google+, to engage customers and connect with them even when they’re not at the coffeehouse. Google Analytics keeps them informed of how users are interacting with their site. Gmail and Google Docs help to keep the business operation flowing.

When a national coffee shop opened branches nearby, Shane and Katelyn didn't have to worry. "Our sales went up by 22% that year," Shane says. They now sell merchandise online, employ 16 people, and plan to open a shop in Tupelo, Mississippi. They're also opening an ice cream shop called Churn & Spoon right next door to Strange Brew. They believe in "brewing it forward," and support local children’s sports teams and other charities. "Sometimes I get a cup of coffee in the middle of the night, when all the college students are hanging out in the shop," he says. "It puts a smile on my face."


Investing in local communities  

We’re committed to playing a positive role in each of the communities where we live and work.  


Mississippians trained  

Grow with Google has partnered with over 120 organizations in the state to train more than 130,000 Mississippians on digital skills, including organizations such as public libraries, chambers of commerce, community colleges, and more.  


in charitable giving  

Since 2019, our employees based in Mississippi – including matching contributions and philanthropic giving from Google.org – have donated over $28,000 to nonprofits.  


Mississippi nonprofits  

Since 2011, Google for Nonprofits has supported over 170 nonprofits with Google Ad Grants in Mississippi.  

Our home in the Magnolia State  

Google is proud to call Mississippi home with an operations center in Southaven  

“Entrepreneurs and businesses are at the heart of America’s success story, and will be the engine for innovation in the future. At Google, we will keep working to get technology into the hands of more businesses and communities and to create opportunities for all Americans.”  

Sundar Pichai  

CEO, Google and Alphabet  


Google is excited about its new operations center in Southaven, Mississippi. Our operations centers provide caring and knowledgeable support for Google users and customers; from troubleshooting product issues to providing around-the-clock advertiser assistance to help Google users and customers solve problems and accomplish their goals.


Explore our impact on businesses in nearby states  
